SHD / MC Checker

MC500904 | Yammer iOS and Android apps: Navigation Updates

MC500904 | Yammer iOS and Android apps: Navigation Updates

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 1/24/2023 12:36:58 AM
Start Time 1/24/2023 12:36:49 AM
End Time 3/19/2023 7:00:00 AM
Message Content

We are updating the Yammer mobile app’s navigation to make it easier for people to jump to their profile, access their Bookmarks, and view and adjust Settings.

[When this will happen:] 

Rollout will begin in late January and users can expect to begin seeing this change in early February.

[How this will affect your organization:] 

We will be adding a ‘View All‘ tab in the navigation bar at the bottom of the app which will open a larger menu with these shortcuts. The profile icon in the top left will now only be a shortcut to the user’s profile. Instructions that include accessing the existing shortcuts may need to be updated. The navigation updates themselves don?t require additional actions.


[What you need to do to prepare:]

There is nothing you need to do to prepare as these changes will be automatic.


Yammer モバイル アプリのナビゲーションを更新して、ユーザーが自分のプロファイルにジャンプしたり、ブックマークにアクセスしたり、設定を表示および調整したりしやすくなっています。


ロールアウトは 1 月下旬に開始され、ユーザーは 2 月上旬にこの変更が表示されるようになることを期待できます。




