SHD / MC Checker

MC450203 | (Updated) My Activity retirement in Teams desktop and web clients

MC450203 | (Updated) My Activity retirement in Teams desktop and web clients

Classification planForChange
Last Updated 04/26/2023 20:49:34
Start Time 10/26/2022 05:18:23
End Time 07/31/2023 08:00:00
Message Content

Updated April 26, 2023: We have updated the timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

As announced in MC411679 (August ’22) we are retiring “My Activity” feature within the Activity app from Microsoft Teams desktop and web clients.

Activity will now support only activities directed to you (the option to view activities initiated by you will be retired), where we will continue to invest our development resources.

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling this out mid-March (previously late February) and expect to complete by late June (previously late March).

[How this affects your organization:]

Once this change is implemented Teams desktop and web client users will no longer see the “My activity” dropdown.

[What you can do to prepare:]

You may consider updating your training and documentation accordingly.

Machine Translation


MC411679 (August ’22) でお知らせしたように、アクティビティ アプリ内の “マイ アクティビティ” 機能をデスクトップ クライアントと Web クライアントから廃止Microsoft Teamsします。



これは 3 月中旬 (以前は 2 月下旬) に展開を開始し、6 月下旬 (以前は 3 月下旬) までに完了する予定です。


この変更が実装されると、Teams デスクトップおよび Web クライアント ユーザーには [マイ アクティビティ] ドロップダウンが表示されなくなります。

