SHD / MC Checker

MC517332 | Microsoft Teams: App Support In Channel Meetings

MC517332 | Microsoft Teams: App Support In Channel Meetings

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 2/17/2023 11:26:30 PM
Start Time 2/17/2023 11:26:25 PM
End Time 4/24/2023 7:00:00 AM
Message Content

With this update, apps will be support in channel meetings in Microsoft Teams.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 81122

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rollout in early March and expect rollout to be complete by late March.

[How this will affect your organization:]

Meeting organizers and participants will be able to add apps to channel meetings for better collaboration and engagement.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

There is no action required from you at this time. You may want to consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate.


この更新プログラムにより、アプリは Microsoft Teams のチャネル会議でサポートされます。

このメッセージは、Microsoft 365 ロードマップ ID 81122 に関連付けられています。


ロールアウトは 3 月上旬に開始され、3 月下旬までに完了する予定です。



