SHD / MC Checker

MC524208 | Autosuggest location for Emergency location

MC524208 | Autosuggest location for Emergency location

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 03/07/2023 01:06:31
Start Time 03/07/2023 01:05:58
End Time 04/24/2023 07:00:00
Message Content

This feature would allow users to easily get location recommendations for emergency location. Confirming the location via the autosuggest will mark the location as an assist driving emergency call directly to PSAP. We will still allow manual location confirmations.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 94692

[When this will happen:]

General Availability: We will begin rolling out early March and expect to complete by mid-March.

[How this will affect your organization:]

There are no admin changes required.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

There is no action needed to prepare for this change.

Machine Translation


このメッセージは、Microsoft 365 ロードマップ ID 94692 に関連付けられています。


一般提供: 3 月上旬にロールアウトを開始し、3 月中旬までに完了する予定です。



