MC295027 | (Updated) Rich text and images in Planner task notes |
Classification | planForChange |
Last Updated | 03/14/2023 19:36:58 |
Start Time | 10/29/2021 23:42:10 |
End Time | 05/31/2023 08:00:00 |
Message Content |
Updated March 14, 2023: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We are adding support for rich text (bold, italics, underline, etc.) in the Planner task notes field. Support for images is coming in the future.
NOTE: We will update this post once we have Microsoft Graph documentation for the new rich text task notes field available. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 85688.
[When this will happen:]
We expect to begin rolling out the new rich text task notes field in late March (previously mid-February) and we expect to complete the rollout by mid-April (previously early March).
[How this will affect your organization:]
To support this capability, we are introducing a new rich text enabled task notes field in the Planner Microsoft Graph API. This will result in two task notes fields in our API C the new “rich text task notes field” and the existing “plain text task notes field.” When this feature launches, Planner for the Web and for Teams (Tasks app) will support rich text in task notes. Other Planner experiences in iOS, Android, SharePoint, and Power Automate will only support plain text task notes, but we plan to update these apps to support rich text at a later date.
When this feature update is deployed, all existing task notes content will be preserved in the new rich text enabled task notes field, so users will be able to continue viewing and editing notes without interruption.
We will maintain compatibility between the rich text task notes field and plain text task notes field by ensuring both fields’ contents stay in sync.
If a user edits the rich text task notes field, all content is synced to the plain text task notes field automatically. Any rich content is converted to plain text and synced to the plain text task notes field.
If a user edits the plain text task notes field via the Microsoft Graph API or via a client which only supports the plain text field, the contents in the plain text task notes field is synced to the rich text task notes field without modification. Therefore edits to the plain text task notes field will result in the removal of any pre-existing rich text, or text formatting in the rich text notes field.
[What you need to do to prepare:]
If your organization has custom applications interacting with our Microsoft Graph Planner API, make sure to update the apps to support the rich text task notes field as soon as it is available to take advantage of the new notes capabilities. We will maintain support for the existing plain text task notes field in our Microsoft Graph Planner API for at least 36 months.
If your organization has applications or workflows which parse the task notes to trigger logic based off contents in the notes field, we recommend users continue to input only plain text in task notes and not apply text formatting into task notes. Such apps should also be updated to avoid parsing task notes or applying logic to contents in the task notes as these are not recommended uses of the task notes field in our API. |
Machine Translation |
2023年3月14日更新:わかりやすくするために、以下のコンテンツを更新しました。お待ちいただきありがとうございます。 Microsoft Purview デ`タp失防止ポリシ`は、秘密度ラベル付きの子メ`ルのポップアップ ダイアログとしてポリシ` ヒントを表示するように成できます。
このメッセ`ジは、Microsoft 365 ロ`ドマップ ID 100157にvB付けられています。
[これがMに与える影:] 管理者は、Microsoft Purview コンプライアンス ポ`タルで DLP ポリシ`を成して、子メ`ルまたは添付ファイルに秘密度ラベルを含む子メ`ル メッセ`ジを送信しようとしたときにユ`ザ`に表示されるポリシ` ヒントを定xできます。成が完了すると、ユ`ザ`が子メ`ルを送信しようとすると、メッセ`ジにC密コンテンツが含まれていることをユ`ザ`に警告する、ユ`ザ`にアクションの正当性を提供するように要求する、アクションがポリシ` ル`ルによってブロックされていることをユ`ザ`に警告するなど、ポリシ` ヒントを含むポップアップが表示されます。
Microsoft Purview コンプライアンス ポ`タルでデ`タp失防止のポリシ` ヒントを成します。