SHD / MC Checker

MC892531 | Power Automate C Use natural language and AI to create a flow in Teams

MC892531 | Power Automate C Use natural language and AI to create a flow in Teams

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 09/18/2024 20:16:04
Start Time 09/18/2024 20:15:35
End Time 10/18/2024 20:15:35
Message Content We are announcing the use of natural language and AI to create a flow in Teams feature. This feature allows you to use natural language to create a flow from scratch when the Workflows app in Teams does not have a template that supports your specific scenario. This feature will begin rolling out on September 30, 2024, and will be fully available by the end of October 2024.

How does this affect me?
When enabled, this feature will allow you to type in a prompt to describe what you want the flow to do, and then the feature generates a suggested flow for you.

What do I need to do to prepare?
This message is for awareness and no action is required.

If you would like more information on this feature, please visit Use natural language to create a flow in Teams.

Machine Translation 自然言Zと AI を使用して Teams C能でフロ`を作成することをk表します。このC能を使用すると、Teams の Workflows アプリに特定のシナリオをサポ`トするテンプレ`トがない龊悉恕⒆匀谎哉Zを使用してフロ`を最初から作成できます。このC能は 2024 年 9 月 30 日にロ`ルアウトを_始し、2024 年 10 月末までに完全に利用可能になります。



このC能のについては、「 Teams で自然言Zを使用してフロ`を作成する」を参照してください。