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MC522570 | Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Updates to Sensitive Information Types (SITs) definitions

MC522570 | Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Updates to Sensitive Information Types (SITs) definitions

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 03/02/2023 23:14:11
Start Time 03/02/2023 23:13:49
End Time 06/26/2023 07:00:00
Message Content

In our continued efforts to be in line with latest published definitions, and to improve the accuracy of out-of-the box sensitive information types (SIT), we have updated the definition of 4 existing SITs. 

[When this will happen:]

Rollout will begin in late February and is expected to be complete by mid-May C see table below for expected timing on each SIT update.

[How this will affect your organization:]

These improvements will roll out to the following existing SITs: 

SIT name Changes Commercial cloud availability Government cloud availability
France CNI

Existing definition:
 – Twelve digits

Additional patterns we will look for:

– Nine characters (Mix of letters and digits)

– Twelve characters (Mix of letters and digits)


End of February End of March

Existing Definition (Nine digits):
 – the digit “9”
 – two digits
 – a space or dash (optional)
 – a “7” or “8”
 – a digit
 – a pace, or dash (optional)
 –  four digits

New Definition (Nine digits):

– the digit “9”

– two digits

– a space or dash (optional)

– two digits “50” to “65”, “70” to “88”, “90” to “92” and “94” to “99” for the fourth and fifth digits

– a space, or dash (optional)

– four digits


End of February End of March
South Korea RRN

Existing Definition (Thirteen digits):
 – six digits indicating valid date of birth YYMMDD
 – a hyphen
 – one digit determined by the century and gender
 – four-digit region-of-birth code
 – one digit used to differentiate people for whom the preceding numbers are identical
 – a check digit

New pattern (Thirteen digits without checksum):

– six digits indicating valid date of birth YYMMDD

– a hyphen

– seven digits


Mid-April Mid-May
Indonesia KTP

Existing Definition (Sixteen digits):

 – Two-digit province code

 – A period (optional)

 – Two-digit regency or city code

 – Two-digit subdistrict code

 – A period (optional)

 – Six digits indicating date of birth on the format DDMMYY
 – A period (optional)

 – Four digits

New pattern (Sixteen digits):

– Two digits indicating province code.

– Four digits

– Six digits indicating date of birth on the format DDMMYY.

– Four digits

Mid-April Mid-May

[What you need to do to prepare:]

No action is required to prepare for this update. Your existing policies (including DLP policies) need not be changed; you may wish to update internal documentation as appropriate.

Get started with sensitive information types in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal: 

Learn more: Sensitive information type entity definitions 

Machine Translation

新しい配信後アクティビティ レポ`トは、 ゼロrg自鹰雪`ジ (ZAP) にvするすべての情螭蛱峁─筏蓼埂%欹荸`トから、最初に配信されたが、{威のために後で移婴丹欷骏幞氓哗`ジを表示できます。

このメッセ`ジは、Microsoft 365 ロ`ドマップ ID にvB付けられています117516


圣辚戛`ス: 3 月上旬にロ`ルアウトを_始し、3 月下旬までにロ`ルアウトを完了する予定です。


新しいレポ`トには、M内でk生したすべての ZAP イベントが表示されます。メッセ`ジに割り当てられた判定が涓丹欷龊稀⑿陇筏ぅ欹荸`トにはこの更新されたデ`タが表示されるため、メッセ`ジの{摔菀驻摔胜辘蓼埂 

配信後のアクティビティ レポ`トは、[ 子メ`ルとコラボレ`ション レポ`ト] の下にあります。 


