SHD / MC Checker

MC780743 | (Updated) Changes to Administrator Permissions Required to Create and Manage Teams Resource Accounts

MC780743 | (Updated) Changes to Administrator Permissions Required to Create and Manage Teams Resource Accounts

Classification planForChange
Last Updated 09/11/2024 00:24:49
Start Time 04/18/2024 23:35:19
End Time 11/11/2024 07:00:00
Action Required By Date 2024-09-01T07:00:00Z
Message Content

Updated September 10, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline for this change and provided a link to additional information. Thank you for your patience.

This notice is regarding changes coming to the Teams administrator permissions that are used to create Teams Phone Resource Accounts for: Auto Attendants, Call Queues and certified Teams Call Center applications. This change could affect users with “Teams Administrator”, “Teams Communications Administrator” or the “Teams Telephony Administrator” role.

Currently, the underlying Team service’s permission is used to create Resource Accounts in M365. After this change, the ability to create Resource Accounts will leverage the Microsoft 365 admin role’s permission to create user accounts instead of the underlying service’s permission.

The “Teams Administrator”, “Teams Communications Administrator” and “Teams Telephony Administrator” roles will not have user creation permissions so this change may result in disruption in your organization’s ability to create these Resource Accounts.

Organizations that utilize those Teams roles will require Administrators with user creation permission such as Microsoft 365 Global Admin or User Admin to create and manage these Resource Accounts.

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out in early October 2024 (previously early September) and expect to complete by late October of 2024 (previously late September).  

[How this will affect your organization:]

You are receiving this message because our reporting indicates that your organization is using Teams Phone and may have Resource Accounts created for the Teams Auto Attendant, Teams Call Queue, or a Certified Teams Call Center application.

Administrators who do not have a Microsoft 365 Admin role which contains permissions to create and manage users will no longer be able to create or modify Resource Accounts when this change is implemented.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

Evaluate if your Teams Voice Administrators who are creating Teams Resource Accounts currently have Microsoft 365 user creation and management permissions. If they do not, make the process changes within your organization for how Resource Accounts will be created and managed after this change.

Upcoming changes for creating and managing Teams Phone resource accounts 

For more information, please see the “Assign permissions for managing a resource account” in the Manage resource accounts for service numbers – Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn document