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MC906492 | Microsoft 365 admin center: New Microsoft Search analytics for queries and Microsoft Graph connections

MC906492 | Microsoft 365 admin center: New Microsoft Search analytics for queries and Microsoft Graph connections

Classification planForChange
Last Updated 10/07/2024 23:01:34
Start Time 10/07/2024 23:01:16
End Time 12/20/2024 08:00:00
Message Content

Coming soon: New pages in the Microsoft admin center for Microsoft Search analytics:

  • A new Query analytics page will display how queries are distributed, how frequently users interact with various kinds of entities in search outcomes, and the 10 most common search terms that need intervention.
  • A new Connection analytics page will track metrics such as overall unique users and weekly returning users for all Microsoft Graph connections and provide detailed insights into connection-specific usage. The metrics also will show the top search keywords for each specific connector.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-October 2024.

[How this will affect your organization:]

Before this rollout: Admins have access to limited metrics for queries and connectors in Search.

After this rollout, admins can learn how to access the new pages and more at:

This change is on by default.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

This rollout will happen automatically by the specified date with no admin action required before the rollout. Review your current configuration to determine the impact for your organization. You may want to notify your admins about this change and update any relevant documentation.

Machine Translation

近日公_予定: Microsoft Search 分析のための Microsoft 管理センタ`の新しいペ`ジ:

  • 新しい クエリ分析 ペ`ジには、クエリの分散方法、ユ`ザ`が仕鹘Y果でさまざまなNのエンティティを操作するl度、介入が必要な最も一般的な 10 の仕饔谜Zが表示されます。
  • 新しい 接A分析 ペ`ジでは、すべての Microsoft Graph 接Aの全体的なユニ`ク ユ`ザ`や斑Lのリピ`タ` ユ`ザ`などのメトリックを追Eし、接A固有の使用状rにvするな分析情螭蛱峁─筏蓼埂%幞去辚氓摔稀⑻囟à胃鳐偿庭郡紊衔护仕鳐`ワ`ドも表示されます。


一般提供 (全世界): 2024 年 10 月初旬にロ`ルアウトを_始し、2024 年 10 月中旬までに完了する予定です。


このロ`ルアウト前: 管理者は、仕鳏违ē辘去偿庭郡蜗薅ǖ膜手摔衰互工扦蓼埂



