SHD / MC Checker

MC797474 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Channel cards

MC797474 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Channel cards

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 10/10/2024 22:07:24
Start Time 05/31/2024 22:24:55
End Time 12/09/2024 07:00:00
Message Content

Updated October 10, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information. Thank you for your patience.

Microsoft Teams users will soon be able to get a quick overview about a channel using Channel cards. Channel cards will rollout across Microsoft Teams for desktop and web. Channel cards can be found by hovering over the channel name in the header or wherever a channel is mentioned. 

Channel cards will provide information about a channel, including the description, last activity time, team name, and membership information. The card also provides a quick entry to notification settings, owner channel management, and the channel roster.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 397883

[When this will happen:] 

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling early July 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024 (previously late September).

[How this will affect your organization:]

Users will have a simpler way to get important information about channels. This new feature provides key contextual information as well as quick actions. 

[What you need to do to prepare:]

This rollout will happen automatically with no admin action required. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.

Machine Translation


Microsoft Teams のユーザーは、チャネル カードを使用してチャネルの概要をすばやく把握できるようになります。チャネル カードは、デスクトップと Web の Microsoft Teams 全体に展開されます。チャンネルカードは、ヘッダー内のチャンネル名またはチャンネルが言及されている場所にカーソルを合わせると表示されます。 


このメッセージは、Microsoft 365 ロードマップ ID に関連付けられています397883


一般提供 (全世界、GCC、GCC High、DoD): 2024 年 7 月上旬にローリングを開始し、2024 年 10 月下旬 (以前は 9 月下旬) までに完了する予定です。



