MC922556 | Get started with October 2024 improvements in Windows 11 |
Classification | stayInformed |
Last Updated | 10/31/2024 20:57:38 |
Start Time | 10/31/2024 20:57:36 |
End Time | 10/31/2025 20:57:35 |
Message Content |
If you’re an IT professional or decision maker, start using the newest Windows 11 capabilities with helpful tips and actionable steps summarized in one place. Read this month’s recap of improvements in Windows client and server security, device and update management, AI, productivity, and collaboration.
When will this happen:
All improvements summarized in this monthly recap are already available.
How this will affect your organization:
Whatever tools you use, you can start seeing improvements across various workflows in your organization with:
What you need to do to prepare:
Read the new monthly recap and additional information to start benefiting from the latest improvements.
Additional information:
Read the monthly recap at Windows news you can use: October 2024. It includes highlights from the following channels:
Machine Translation |
IT プロフェッショナルまたは意思決定者の方は、役立つヒントと実行可能な手順が 1 か所にまとめられた最新の Windows 11 機能の使用を開始してください。読む。今月は、Windows クライアントとサーバーのセキュリティ、デバイスと更新の管理、AI、生産性、コラボレーションの改善点をまとめました。
毎月のまとめを読む Windows ニュース (2024 年 10 月)次のチャンネルのハイライトが含まれています。