SHD / MC Checker

MC968899 | Power Automate C Run two desktop flows in parallel on the same machine

MC968899 | Power Automate C Run two desktop flows in parallel on the same machine

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 12/30/2024 21:44:44
Start Time 12/30/2024 21:43:47
End Time 01/30/2025 21:43:47
Message Content We are announcing the run two desktop flows in parallel on the same machine feature for Power Automate Desktop. This feature allows you to run a child desktop flow in parallel with its parent flow. This feature addresses unexpected popups in the target application that can block parent flows. By running a child flow in parallel, you can monitor and manage these popups and ensure parent flow efficiency. This feature will reach general availability on January 15, 2024.

How does this affect me?
Admins and users will now be able to handle popups in applications efficiently by running child flows in parallel to their parent flows. This enhancement helps ensure efficient flow execution regardless of interruptions.

What do I need to do to prepare?
This message is for awareness, and no action is required.

Machine Translation Power Automate Desktop の同じコンピュ`タ`上で 2 つのデスクトップ フロ`をK行してg行するC能をk表します。このC能により、子デスクトップ フロ`をHフロ`とK行してg行できます。このC能は、Hフロ`をブロックする可能性のあるタ`ゲット アプリケ`ションの予期しないポップアップにIします。子フロ`をK行してg行することで、これらのポップアップをOおよび管理し、Hフロ`の柯胜虼_保できます。このC能は、2024 年 1 月 15 日に一般提供_始されます。

