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MC971695 | Dynamics 365 Field Service C Enhance Copilot experiences in the web app

MC971695 | Dynamics 365 Field Service C Enhance Copilot experiences in the web app

Classification stayInformed
Last Updated 01/03/2025 21:45:01
Start Time 01/03/2025 21:44:24
End Time 02/03/2025 21:44:24
Message Content We are announcing the Enhance Copilot experiences in the web app feature for Dynamics 365 Field Service. This feature introduces usability improvements for Copilot in Field Service to help your team of technicians, dispatchers, and service managers adopt and use these capabilities in their existing workflows. This feature will reach general availability on February 3, 2025.

How does this affect me?
Once enabled for general availability, your users can tap into enhanced Copilot side pane experiences to quickly get the information they need to be more efficient on the job. Copilot provides direct access to the wealth of data stored within Microsoft Dataverse, including key tables from Field Service like work orders and bookings. This guarantees that field service teams always have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips.

What action do I need to take?
This message is for awareness and no action is required.

If you would like more information on this feature, please visit Enhance Copilot experiences in the web app.

Machine Translation Dynamics 365 Field Service の Web アプリでの Copilot エクスペリエンスの化 C能をk表します。このC能により、Field Service の Copilot のユ`ザビリティが向上し、技g者、ディスパッチャ`、サ`ビス マネ`ジャ`のチ`ムが既存のワ`クフロ`でこれらのC能を裼盲筏剖褂盲扦毪瑜Δ摔胜辘蓼埂¥长C能は、2025 年 2 月 3 日に一般提供_始されます。

一般提供を有郡摔工毪取姗`ザ`は化された Copilot サイド ペイン エクスペリエンスを利用して、作Iの柯胜蚋撙幛毪郡幛吮匾是螭颏工肖浃〉盲扦蓼埂Copilot は、作I指示溆杓sなどの Field Service の主要なテ`ブルを含む Microsoft Dataverse 内に保存されているN富なデ`タに直接アクセスできるようにします。これにより、フィ`ルドサ`ビスチ`ムは常に最新の情螭颏工挨巳胧证扦蓼埂


このC能のについては、 Web アプリの Copilot エクスペリエンスの化をごEください。