MC513669 | ‘Forms’ app polling features for Teams meeting will be replaced by ‘Polls’ app
MC513669 | ‘Forms’ app polling features for…
[serviceDegradation] PL513546 | Planner | Users’ Microsoft Planner plans that contain task recurrences may not load in SharePoint Online
PL513546 | Planner | Users’ Microsoft Planner pla…
MC513619 | Get ready for the first UUP on premises updates coming in March
MC513619 | Get ready for the first UUP on premises upda…
[postIncidentReviewPublished] EX512238 | Exchange Online | Unable to send, receive, or search email through Exchange Online
EX512238 | Exchange Online | Unable to send, receive, o…
MC424901 | (Updated) Safe Attachments policy: Retire policy action ?Replace? for malware detections in attachments (Phase 1)
MC424901 | (Updated) Safe Attachments policy: Retire po…
MC424899 | (Updated) MDO Safe Attachments Policy: Changes to Enable Redirect Functionality
MC424899 | (Updated) MDO Safe Attachments Policy: Chang…
MC513601 | Stream live events replacement service
MC513601 | Stream live events replacement service Class…
MC513603 | Use Microsoft Teams to produce Yammer Live Events
MC513603 | Use Microsoft Teams to produce Yammer Live E…
MC505088 | (Updated) Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Quarantine Notifications enabled for Preset Security Policies
MC505088 | (Updated) Microsoft Defender for Office 365:…
MC513052 | Microsoft Outlook: Extend Sensitivity Label to Meetings (GA Release)
MC513052 | Microsoft Outlook: Extend Sensitivity Label …