MC866444 | Viva Amplify: Reactions card
MC866444 | Viva Amplify: Reactions card Classification …
MC866446 | Viva Amplify: Reports displaying count and percentage
MC866446 | Viva Amplify: Reports displaying count and p…
MC866451 | Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Insider Risk Management cumulative exfiltration tuning
MC866451 | Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Insider…
MC866091 | Retired Feature: Policy Health (Preview)
MC866091 | Retired Feature: Policy Health (Preview) Cla…
[serviceDegradation] DZ861648 | Microsoft Defender XDR | Admins’ scheduled report links sent via email notifications aren’t working in Microsoft Defender for Identity
DZ861648 | Microsoft Defender XDR | Admins’ sched…
[serviceDegradation] SP861520 | SharePoint Online | Some users incorrectly receive a security warning prompt when opening Excel or PowerPoint files in SharePoint Online
SP861520 | SharePoint Online | Some users incorrectly r…
[serviceDegradation] OD861567 | OneDrive for Business | Some users may incorrectly receive a security warning prompt when opening some Office files in OneDrive for Business
OD861567 | OneDrive for Business | Some users may incor…
[postIncidentReviewPublished] MO851360 | Microsoft 365 suite | Users may be unable to access or use Microsoft 365 services and features
MO851360 | Microsoft 365 suite | Users may be unable to…
[serviceRestored] EX861592 | Exchange Online | Some users may have been unable to access the events from email page in Exchange Online via multiple connection methods
EX861592 | Exchange Online | Some users may have been u…
MC865187 | Backfilling Microsoft Graph Connector Entitlement to 50M items
MC865187 | Backfilling Microsoft Graph Connector Entitl…